Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
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Author: Hans-Uwe Otto

Hans-Uwe Otto

  • European Social Work – A Compendium
    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    European Social Work – A Compendium

    The publication takes account of the fundamental developments transforming social work in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century. A European standard of social work has already emerged, but models for future European social work are absent. Therefore the compendium gives an overview of the current transformation process for the first time, discusses the visible and invisible changes and maps out where social work is positioned in the emerging […]
    89,00 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Critical Social Policy and the Capability Approach

    The (European) welfare state as well as the political space of “the social” is currently being reorganised in a fundamental way. This has major implications for any attempt to contribute to a more just or even emancipatory way of shaping “the social”. The authors discuss what the Capabilities Approach may contribute to this attempt. Rather than assessing the philosophical foundation of this approach, “Shaping the Social” critically discusses the potentials […]
    53,00 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    New Approaches Towards the ‚Good Life‘

    The Capability Approach founded by Armatya Sen and Martha Nussbaum offers a justicebased analytical framework for human development. The contributions to the present volume show how the Capability Approach can be applied productively in empirical analyses of the life situations of young people and the educationalinstitutions they attend in different parts of the world including Serbia, Kosovo, Kenya, India, Greece, and Germany.   Moreover, the volume helps to extend the […]
    26,00 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Enhancing Capabilities

    The volume suggests a capability perspective for evaluating welfare and educational policies. Capabilities are conceptualized as people’s freedom to choose and conduct a life they have reason to value. The contributions analyze what social institutions – in particular in the field of education and welfare – may provide in order to enhance capabilities in particular for most vulnerable people.   The capabilities approach to social justice does not primarily outline […]
    29,90 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Closing the Capabilities Gap

    The volume relates the Capabilities Approach to research and practice in education, welfare economics and social policy. Thus it challenges traditional objectives and approaches in these fields. The authors suggest a capabilities perspective that calls into question the metric of success of these disciplines and in the fields of politics. It moves the attention away from economic growth and human capital towards autonomy and “agency freedom” of (young) individuals. Especially […]
    33,00 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    What Works – Welches Wissen braucht die soziale Arbeit?

    Eine Neuausrichtung Sozialer Arbeit auf der Basis wissenschaftlich nachweisbarer Wirksamkeitskriterien, wie sie mit dem Modell einer „evidenzbasierten Praxis“ einhergeht, gewinnt auch in der Bundesrepublik zunehmend an Bedeutung. International führende ExpertInnen erörtern in diesem Band die Grundlagen dieses Paradigmenwechsels und führen systematisch in die fachlich heftig umstrittene Debatte ein. Das aus dem englischsprachigen Raum stammende Modell „evidenzbasierter Praxis“ soll es ermöglichen, die Soziale Arbeit strikt an wissenschaftlich nachweisbaren Effekten auszurichten. Nur […]
    33,00 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Education, Welfare and the Capabilities Approach

    The authors assess the potentials and pitfalls of the Capabilities Approach to issues of education and welfare. Renowned philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, economists and educational scientists explore the conceptual and practical implications of this approach for delivering socially just policies.
    29,90 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Evidence-based Practice – Modernising the Knowledge Base of Social Work?

    The quest to create an evidence-based Social Work practice is emerging strongly in different fields of Social Work and social policy. In this volume internationally renowned proponents and opponents of this approach deliver profound analyses of the meaning and implications of an evidence based perspective which clearly challenges the nature of the knowledge base of the established Social Work practice and apparently reevaluates and reshapes the character of welfare professionalism.
    26,00 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Territorialisierung des Sozialen

    Die Beiträge internationaler Autorinnen und Autoren stellen den Prozess der Territorialisierung des Sozialen vor und diskutieren die damit verbundenen politischen (Regierungs-)Strategien aus politik-ökonomischen, stadtsoziologischen, kriminologischen und sozialpädagogischen Perspektiven.
    29,90 €

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